Top 10 Roblox Sex Games for Kids and How to Block Them

Roblox is a widely popular online gaming platform that allows users to create and play games created by other members of the community. With millions of games available on the platform, Roblox has become a hub for creativity and entertainment for players of all ages. However, the open nature of the platform has also given rise to controversial content, including Roblox sex games and Roblox pornography. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of Roblox sex games, discuss their impact, and provide essential information on how parents can protect their children from exposure to such Roblox porn games.

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Understanding Roblox and Its Ecosystem

Roblox has emerged as a virtual playground where creativity knows no bounds. It’s not merely a game but a thriving metaverse of user-generated experiences, catering to a diverse player base. However, the sheer openness and accessibility of the platform come with their own set of complexities and concerns. to understand the broader issue of inappropriate games on Roblox, it’s essential to first grasp the foundation of this vibrant ecosystem. By doing so, we can better comprehend the challenges it faces in maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for players of all ages.

Roblox Is a Popular Online Game Platform

Roblox is not just a game; it’s an entire gaming ecosystem. Players can explore a vast array of games created by other users, thanks to the platform’s user-generated content feature. This approach fosters creativity and diversity but also comes with its own set of challenges.

1. User-generated content: Roblox’s unique selling point is its user-generated content, which allows players to create their own games using Roblox Studio. This has led to a rich and diverse collection of games, from role-playing adventures to obstacle courses.

2. Safety measures: Roblox has implemented various safety measures to protect its young user base, including a moderation system and reporting tools to flag inappropriate games on Roblox. However, some content still manages to slip through the cracks.

The Roblox Community

The Roblox community spans a wide range of age groups, from young children to adults. While this diversity is a strength, it also raises concerns about age-appropriate content and interactions.

1. Diverse age groups: Roblox attracts players of all ages, making it important for parents to understand the content their children may encounter.

2. Parental concerns: Many parents worry about the potential exposure of their children to explicit content online.

Introduction to the Controversy

1. What Are Roblox Sex Games?

Roblox sex games are games created by users that contain explicit or sexual content. These games are often disguised as innocent titles, making it challenging for parents to identify them.

2. The Impact on the Roblox Community

The presence of Roblox sex games and Roblox pornography raises concerns about the safety and well-being of young players. It also puts Roblox as a platform under scrutiny for its moderation efforts.

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The Top 10 Roblox Sex Games

In this section, we will provide a list of the top 10 Roblox sex games that have garnered attention due to their explicit content. Please note that we do not endorse or promote these games, but we aim to inform parents about potential risks.

1. Shedletsky’s Dirty Place

roblox sex game Shedletsky's Dirty Place

In Shedletsky’s Dirty Place, a controversial Roblox game, Shedletsky engages in inappropriate activities with players in a virtual house. This game targets children under 13, exposing them to adult themes. Children entering this virtual space may have unsettling experiences with potential long-term effects on their online well-being.

2. Shower Simulator

Shower Simulator

Shower Simulator on Roblox is a concerning game where players of all genders shower together while wearing swimsuits. This attire may be considered inappropriate for children. Moreover, the game contains sexual content and explicit conversations, making it unsuitable for young audiences. Parents should exercise caution to prevent their children from encountering this content on the platform.

3. Dance Club

Dance Club

Dance Club is another Roblox game known for its inappropriate content. In this virtual dance club, players engage in suggestive dance moves, which may not be suitable for a younger audience. Romantic interactions can also occur, raising concerns given the age of the players involved. Parents should be watchful and take precautions to shield their children from this content while using Roblox.

4. Survive The Killers

Survive the Killers

In Survive the Killers, the central theme revolves around a serial killer hunting down players in a specific area, using violent methods like shooting and stabbing. Due to its intense violence and mature themes, parents should be cautious and prevent their children from engaging with this potentially inappropriate and emotionally challenging content.

5. Obby Games

Obby Games

Obby Games in Roblox constitute a genre of interconnected levels where players, often children, progress by completing tasks on each page. These games offer challenging tasks that require creativity and problem-solving skills. However, as players advance, challenges can become intimidating or even frightening, featuring eerie animations, sinister toys, monsters, or horror-related elements. While Obby Games aren’t inherently designed to be scary or harmful, parents should consider their appropriateness for their children, taking into account their age and sensitivity to such themes.

6. Club Iris

Club Iris

Club Iris in Roblox may not initially seem like a Roblox porn game, but it does contain explicit content. While it begins as a dancing club, the game eventually delves into inappropriate content. In Club Iris, there are hotels that offer explicit experiences, and some character outfits display adult website names. As the game progresses, players may encounter inappropriate language, suggestive actions, and content intended for adults.

7. Meepcity


Meepcity in Roblox initially seems innocuous, with features like character creation and house building. However, the game contains party rooms with inappropriate content.

In these rooms, players may encounter tiny avatars engaging in adult activities, rendering them unsuitable for children. Despite its innocent appearance in some aspects, the presence of explicit content in specific areas of the game raises concerns about its appropriateness for young players. Parents should be aware of this and take appropriate precautions.

8. Bloxburg


Bloxburg in Roblox is distinct from typical Roblox porn games. It’s a paid game focused on virtual life and house-building, devoid of explicit adult content. Concerns about “Bloxburg” mainly relate to player interactions.

Within the game, some players engage in activities resembling dating or romantic interactions. However, it’s crucial to emphasize that Roblox has stringent rules against inappropriate behavior, particularly among minors. The platform actively moderates and enforces these rules.

9. Centicon

Within the game, players attend a dance party, but it also includes other actions and situations that are not suitable for children. “Centicon” is known for featuring R-rated activities and presenting player avatars engaging in inappropriate actions.

10. Doors


Doors is a Roblox game that falls into the horror genre. In this game, players typically navigate through various doors and rooms, often encountering frightening or suspenseful elements as they progress. Horror games on Roblox aim to create a spooky or unsettling atmosphere to provide players with a thrilling and scary experience.

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How to Find Roblox Sex Games

To protect children from exposure to inappropriate games on Roblox, it’s essential to understand how to identify and find them.

Exploring the Roblox Game Library

1. Parents can access the Roblox game library through the official website or mobile app to monitor their child’s gaming activity.

2. Understanding how to navigate the platform and explore different game categories can help parents find age-appropriate content.

Conducting Keyword Searches

Parents can use specific keywords related to adult content, such as Roblox sex games and Roblox porn games, to search for inappropriate games on Roblox.

Understanding How Creators Mask Inappropriate Content

1. Some creators use misleading game titles and thumbnails, while others hide explicit material within layers of gameplay.

2. User-generated content and third-party plugins can introduce unauthorized elements, and inappropriate communication can occur through various chat methods.

3. Content updates may change a game’s nature over time. Parents and players should stay vigilant, encourage reporting of suspicious content, and regularly review the games children are playing to ensure they remain age-appropriate.

Communication about online safety is key to a responsible Roblox experience.

Parental Controls and Account Settings on Roblox Sex Games

Roblox’s built-in parental controls provide a level of security, but supplementing them with a trusted parental control app like mSpy can offer enhanced monitoring and peace of mind.

How to Set Up Parental Controls on Roblox

Here, we’ll introduce mSpy’s key features and provide a step-by-step guide with images on how to set it up effectively to monitor and manage your child’s Roblox activity.


Key Features of mSpy:

  • Roblox Monitoring: mSpy allows you to track your child’s Roblox activity comprehensively. This includes monitoring the games they play, who they interact with, and the duration of their gaming sessions.
  • Chat and Messaging Logs: You can access chat and messaging logs on Roblox to ensure that your child’s conversations remain safe and appropriate.
  • Geofencing: mSpy enables you to set geographical boundaries. Receive alerts if your child enters or leaves specified areas, ensuring their physical safety while gaming.


  • Android devices (Android 4.0 or later)
  • iPhones and iPads (iOS 7 or later, with or without jailbreak)

Step Guide to Setting Up mSpy for Roblox:

Step 1: Sign Up and Install mSpy

Sign Up and Install mSpy
  • Visit mSpy’s website and sign up for an account.
  • Follow the installation instructions provided, ensuring you install the app on your child’s device.

Step 2: Configure Roblox Monitoring

mSpy dashboard -1
  • Log in to your mSpy dashboard and select “Roblox” from the list of monitored apps.
  • Enable monitoring for Roblox by toggling the switch.

Step 3: Access Chat and Messaging Logs

mSpy dashboard -2
  • Navigate to the chat and messaging section within your mSpy dashboard.
  • Here, you can view the conversations your child has on Roblox.

Step 4: Set Up Geofencing Alerts

mSpy dashboard -3
  • To set up geofencing, access the relevant section in your mSpy dashboard.
  • Define safe zones and receive alerts if your child enters or leaves these areas during gaming sessions.

Step 5: Monitor and Adjust Settings

  • Regularly log in to your mSpy dashboard to review your child’s Roblox activity, chat logs, and geofencing alerts.
  • Adjust settings as needed to ensure their online safety.

By following this step-by-step guide and utilizing mSpy’s features, you can effectively set up parental controls for Roblox, allowing you to monitor and manage your child’s gaming experience while enhancing their online safety.

Limiting Who Can Send Your Child Friend Requests and Messages

Roblox offers various options for limiting who can send friend requests and messages to your child. Ensuring these settings are configured correctly is vital to protect your child’s online experience.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to manage these controls:

Limiting Friend Requests

Limiting Friend Requests-1

Step 1: Log In to Roblox Account

  • Use your child’s Roblox account credentials to log in.

Step 2: Access Settings

Limiting Friend Requests-2
  • Click on the gear icon located at the top-right corner of the Roblox website to access the settings menu.

Step 3: Privacy Settings

  • In the settings menu, select “Privacy” to access privacy settings.

Step 4: Friend Requests

  • Scroll down to the “Who can follow me into games?” section.
  • Set the option to “Friends” to allow only approved friends to follow your child into games.

Limiting Messages

Step 1: Access Privacy Settings

Follow steps 1-3 as mentioned above to access the privacy settings.

Step 2: Message Settings

Limiting Messages
  • Scroll down to the “Who can chat with me in the app?” section.
  • Here, you can choose from three options:
    • Everyone: Anyone can send messages.
    • Friends: Only approved friends can send messages.
    • No one: No one can send messages.

Step 3: Configure Message Settings

Select the option that suits your preference. Choosing “Friends” or “No one” can help prevent unwanted messages.

Step 4: Save Changes

Don’t forget to click the “Save” or “Update” button to apply your selected settings.

By configuring these settings appropriately, you can control who can interact with your child on Roblox, ensuring a safer and more controlled online environment. Regularly reviewing and adjusting these settings as needed is crucial to maintaining your child’s online safety.

Managing Privacy Settings to Restrict Access to Inappropriate Games

Roblox provides privacy settings that enable you to restrict your child’s access to potentially inappropriate games. Here’s a step-by-step guide to managing these settings:

Step 1: Log In to Roblox Account

Use your child’s Roblox account credentials to log in.

Step 2: Access Settings

Click on the gear icon located at the top-right corner of the Roblox website to access the settings menu.

Step 3: Privacy Settings

In the settings menu, select “Privacy” to access privacy settings.

Step 4: Account Restrictions

Managing privacy settings-1
  • Scroll down to the “Account Restrictions” section.
  • Roblox offers four levels of account restrictions:
    • No restrictions: Allows your child to join any game, including those with mature content.
    • 7 and under: Suitable for young children. Filters out games with any adult content.
    • 13 and under: Filters out most games with adult content.
    • 18 and under: The strictest setting, filtering out almost all games with adult themes.

Step 5: Choose the Appropriate Setting

  • Select the account restriction level that aligns with your child’s age and maturity.
  • For younger children, it’s advisable to choose “7 and under” or “13 and under” to filter out inappropriate content.

Step 6: Save Changes

Don’t forget to click the “Save” or “Update” button to apply your selected account restrictions.

Step 7: PIN Code Lock (Optional)

Managing privacy settings-2

For added security, you can set up a PIN code lock to prevent your child from changing these settings without your permission.

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FAQs on Roblox Sex Games

Understanding the complexities surrounding Roblox sex games is crucial for both parents and players. Here, we address common questions and concerns regarding these explicit games on the platform.

What Are Roblox Sex Games?

Roblox sex games are user-created games within the Roblox platform that contain explicit and sexual content. They often involve inappropriate themes, interactions, or imagery.

Are Roblox Sex Games Officially Allowed on the Platform?

No, Roblox’s terms of service explicitly prohibit sexually explicit content, including sex games. However, some creators attempt to bypass moderation by masking their content.

How Do These Games Evade Roblox’s Moderation?

Some creators use deceptive tactics, such as misleading game titles or hidden content layers, to evade detection. Others may employ third-party plugins or scripts to introduce unauthorized content.

What Measures Can Parents Take to Protect Their Children?

Parents can set up parental controls, monitor their children’s gaming activity, and educate them about responsible online behavior. Using third-party parental control apps can provide additional safeguards.

What Actions Can Players Take If They Encounter Such Content?

Players should immediately report explicit content or inappropriate behavior within games. Roblox has a reporting system in place to address violations.

Is Roblox Taking Steps to Address This Issue?

Yes, Roblox is actively working to enhance its moderation systems and improve the platform’s safety. They encourage users to report violations, and they take action against creators who violate their terms of service.

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In conclusion, the presence of Roblox sex games and other inappropriate content on the platform underscores the importance of vigilance and responsible online parenting. Roblox, a platform known for its creative and family-friendly experiences, can sometimes expose children to explicit material. While Roblox continues to work on improving its moderation systems and addressing these issues, the ultimate responsibility lies with parents and guardians to guide their children through the digital landscape safely. By doing so, we can promote a more secure and enjoyable gaming experience for young users on Roblox and other online platforms.

>> Learn more posts about parental control.


I’m Echo, a Senior Engineer. I have been working app development for 10 years. Here in EchoSpy i will objectively review phone spy apps in all aspects to help achieve your goal without wasting money.

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